Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Being a Witness

What does it mean to be a witness for Christ?
Some Christians define witnessing as going to a Dowtown Streetcorner on a weekend, passing out tracts, and sharing the Gospel with anyone who walks past. Then, after several hours of "witnessing" maybe grab some coffee or pizza on the way home, talk over the night's happenings with other believers who were out doing the same thing, and pray for the souls that heard the Truth of God while they were "witnessing for Christ."
Others say we were called to be witnesses to the "uttermost parts of the earth." So, they sell all they have, buy a plane ticket to the Dark Interior, learn a foreign language, work on translating the Bible into that language, give up all of the comforts of 'Suburbia' to trek muddy mountains trails, and "witness" to the lost souls in the surrounding regions.
Disclaimer: I am not saying these things are bad! Getting the Truth of God and His Word out is a very important task, and there should be more of us, who believe this truth, going out to "the highways and byways and compelling them to come in."
But, several weeks ago a young missionary family to Africa visited a church not too far from where I live, and Mr. Missionary explained the definition of being a witness for Christ is such a simple, clear, yet powerful way. 

In a legal proceeding, when a witness is called to the stand, he is not asked to give his opinion on the circumstance or say how he thinks the jury or judge should view this case. He is only called on to state the facts of what he saw (or witnessed). That's it! State the facts, present the truth. It is not up to him to convince or judge. In the same way, as witnesses for Christ, we are only to state the facts "of Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection." And if we are walking and living in the Spirit, our very lives are witnesses of His truth. We can share examples of a promise-keeping God through what He's done in and through our own lives and circumstances. God is real! It is up to Him to convince and judge; we are only the witnesses. Not only at those times when we have one-on-one truth presenting conversations with someone who needs hope, but every day and in every situation we are called to be a witness for an all-powerful, all-loving Father.
So, Christian, are you being one?