Friday, April 17, 2015

On White Picket Fences and Promises Worth Hoping For

Two weeks ago, after a flight cancellation from Guatemala to Florida then a flight delay from Florida to Michigan, I was finally sitting in my airplane seat for that last leg of the trip home. I had been assigned a middle seat between an older gentleman and his son. They were both very friendly and after the typical 'plane seat-mates questions' (where are you flying to/from, etc) they found out that I was a returning missionary from Guatemala. The questions flew my way after that little bit of information, ensuing in a 'long' conversation consisting mostly of the son asking me questions about living in a foreign country because his daughter really, really wants to go on a missions trip to South America. 

After participating in the conversation here and there and finding out how many of my goals and hopes have to do with long-term ministry work, the older gentleman stated a friendly observance that has stuck with me ever since. 
"You're not a white-picket-fence dream kinda girl are ya." 

Such a simple statement, yet so very true. A white picket fence in front of the suburban, community-oriented family's home complete with lush green lawn and space in the back for hosting summer cookouts is a beautiful picture and wonderful dream. It's the beautiful kind of picture that a lot of people long for and the ones who attain those dreams have the ability to influence the lives of their neighbors, community, church family, school friends, and more. It's a the wonderful safe kind of dream where children can grow up in a loving atmosphere with fond childhood memories and a solid foundation that will carry them far in life. It's a beautiful picture and a wonderful dream. But some people have dreams that look a little different. 

Anyone who knows me well knows a strong-willed human being who often times makes learning simple life lessons much more complicated than they should be; someone who many times has created trouble for herself and those around her in a way that would be easy to avoid if she would just let go of the need to always be right; someone who was thankfully taken in by Jesus cuz if He wouldn't have, heaven knows what would have happened! 

When I was younger, I used to wonder why God 'cursed' me with a strong will and temper that was always and forever getting me into trouble. But as I grow, I learn more and more about how the very attributes that used to cause trouble, when given to God to use for His will and purpose, can be the cause of changed lives and advancement for the His Kingdom. White-picket-fence dreams may be the very dreams God has placed in some people's lives, but it's not what He's placed in mine. Who knows? Maybe one day (yeah, it's very possible my goals will change cuz they have deviated from their planned course before!) a white picket fence is where I'll find myself living out life with every ounce of strong will I possess, but not for now (possibly not for a while - maybe not ever). 

In Proverbs 16:9 it says that in his heart a man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps. White picket fence or not, I wanna follow the steps God has planned for me and I know, with full confidence, that it will be difficult at times. But it will be worth it. No matter where I go. 

You see, it's not about achieving the perfect dream, being the best, or following the crowd. Many of the most influential and inspiring people were the ones who followed that calling on their lives to step out of the norm and live life differently. Missionaries who raised their kids in a thatch-roofed hut, inventors who blew up more things than they built, and a young Carpenter who laid down his right to live life for himself. 

A sweet, servant hearted young lady once gave me a wrist-band with Jeremiah 29:11 printed on it. Every time I wear it, I see the words, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" 

No matter what the dreams, the goals, the vision, the calling may be. No matter what happens or how many times we may find ourselves hanging onto life by our finger-tips. No matter what - those are promises worth hoping for! 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

On Expectance


We all expect things every day.

Name any given time of the day and I can probably tell you what your normal expectations are. Your morning? You expect to wake up alive. On any given day, you expect to be able to make your appointments, follow through on your commitments, and reach your goals.


We all have them.

It doesn't matter if you have your life mapped out in detail or are just riding it out, making decisions on the whim. We all have goals whether we realize what they are or not. Goals for normal everyday life, goals for future hopes – they come in all kinds of different shapes and sizes.

Goals and expectations run through life hand in hand. We wait with expectance for a commitment to be completed so our goals of tomorrow can be reached.

So, what happens when our goals are disrupted by unmet expectations? What happens when a flight is canceled and an entire schedule of events needs to be shifted and expectations need to be redefined? Or when an accident blocks traffic on the way to work and that all-important deal-making, once in a lifetime meeting needs to be put on hold? What about when you see everything you've worked for your entire life come crashing down around you and you have absolutely no clue what life is about anymore? 

Where do our hopes and expectations lie? 
Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream (longing, desire) fulfilled is a tree of life."  
So often I find myself basing my hopes, dreams, and goals on physical things, events, or people. Then when the inevitable happens and someone lets me down or something doesn't work out as planned, I find myself questioning everything I've ever accomplished, stood for, or hoped in. It's like the inside of me feels sick although I'm still physically healthy. However hard it is when this happens, it serves as a reality check, reminding me of Who I should really be counting on - God. 

When I walk hand in hand with the Maker of the universe - the One who spoke the Earth into motion, breathed the galaxies into existence, and created me with utmost precision - suddenly I see my hopes come to life. Instead of living life in fear of a broken heart and crushed expectations, I realize that I can live with a full expectance that my life will be used for a good above and beyond my capacity of imagination. It's real, true life!

So, what happens when our goals are disrupted by unmet expectations? What happens when that flight is canceled or the meeting is delayed or your life completely falls apart? What about when you're at a crossroads in life and really have no idea how to proceed, when decisions need to be made without much direction, or when everyone is counting on you to figure out and fix the problem? The answer will forever and always be the same. 
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may overflow with hope." (Romans 15:13) 
This life isn't supposed to be about circumstances and happenings but rather about Who gave us the very breath we breathe. Each day is a gift. This life is a journey. And we have the freedom to live with unending, undying expectance!