At first, I just didn't have as much energy as I usually do. It lasted for several days and I couldn't figure out why.
Then came the emotional chaos.
Several times I found myself almost snapping at people or dealing with a minor situation in a not-so-tactful way. I could be laughing at something, then several minutes later be wishing that I didn't have to be around anyone. night I found myself sitting on my carpet in my bedroom crying. You need to understand: I'm not a very 'emotional' person. Oh, I feel very deeply - I'm just more of a 'head' person. I usually reason by facts and am not usually emotionally up and down. It takes a lot to make me cry.
The reason I was crying was very small; in fact, I don't even remember why! What I do remember is that images of the people at home started flooding through my head. The fact that I wouldn't be able to attend the wedding of two of my friends in October suddenly seemed like an even bigger deal than before.
As I sat there, talking with God and looking for an explanation as to what was happening with me, it hit me - I was homesick. For the first time in my life, I was homesick. It took almost a whole week of 'off kilter feelings' before I realized what was going on!
My reasoning side came into play again and I wondered - why was it hitting me so hard if I've only been here for a little over 4 months? Wait - it's been way more than 4 months. I've actually been gone since October, with a one month break in March when our family went home for my brother's wedding. That month back was filled with wedding plans then travel plans for me to return to Central America.
So, I guess I did have a reason to feel homesick.
But, I learned something!
As long as we're living on Earth, there will be many times that homesickness will hit when we least expect it.
Which is why our relationship with Christ holds so much hope.
One day, I will leave my physical body behind. One day, everything I'm doing now will stop. One day, I will quit breathing.
Earthly life is temporary just like me living here in Guatemala is temporary. On the same day we exhale our last lungful of Earthly air we will take our first lungful of eternal air. As a Christian, it's such a special fact for me. It's a hope of knowing that one day all the hard days will end and I will be going to a permanent home to live with the One who makes this temporary life worth living. I will get to spend every day in the same home as my Best Friend and One who gave everything to show me what true love is.
The day I get to meet Jesus Christ is the day I will truly be home - a home that I'll never have to leave again!
"For here we have no lasting city (home) but we seek the city (home) that is to come." Hebrews 13:14
P.S. A special "thank you" to several of my family members and friends who stayed up (very) late to chat - you know who you are :) I am blessed!