Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Come What May

If you head over to the "About" tab on this blog, you'll read at the very top, "Being a voice for the voiceless and bringing healing to the broken and abused are those heart-tugs that keep me awake at night. They are what God uses to refuse to allow me to live a mediocre life or do anything that is void of purpose or meaning."

If you've been following along with our journey, you know that last year I put my involvement in full-time anti-trafficking ministry on hold for at least a year, knowing that it was time to take a step back from the intensity of what my life had become to be able to fully focus on investing the necessary time and attention to beginning our lives together as a married couple. Even before we got married, our desire and dream was to work in ministry together, in some way or form, and when God opened the doors last year for me to take a part-time administrative position with FCA DR it was a huge answer to prayer that allowed both of those things to happen.  

When we made this change, it was difficult for a lot of people to comprehend. Everyone who had known me before getting married had no doubt of what I was most passionate about - and sports was never mentioned! It was a big change. We even moved a month after getting married so that we could plug into a good church and start in a new place where neither of us had any history and thus no prior expectations from other people around us would interfer in being able to walk in obedience to the steps God directed us to take. 

At the bottom of the same "About" tab mentioned above, you'll read, "There are so many details that come along with carrying out the call of Christ to go and make disciples of all nations. This blog is our way of sharing stories of what God does in our own lives and the crazy twists and turns He takes us on."

I wrote everything currently on that tab last year, knowing that the decision to come on board with FCA DR was the decision God had for us - for now. Knowing that He does not change, even when He takes us down those unknown roads. Knowing that sports may be out of my league (I am learning a little!) but discipleship isn't, ministry isn't, and administration definitely isn't. 

But another factor that has played a part in the background of all this is something I wasn't very public in writing about. I was exhausted last year - emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. Without taking that step back, our marriage would have been strained before it even had a chance to start. Without making a move in location and focus, we would have had a very difficult start to marriage and ministry together. 

Along the way, a healing process took place. The first three months after our move, I found myself sleeping a lot without knowing why. I loved having time on my hands to organize our home and settle into a new part-time job, working from home, and  most days I holed myself up at home with my own work and didn't venture out much. It got to the point that Miguel was worried that I kept to myself too much and wasn't making friends, but I told him I preferred it that way for now! The thought of being around people more than several times a week exhausted me. Don't get me wrong, I love people, but I also love alone time and was getting it for the first time in way too long. Having this time also allowed me to better process my brother's death, which had a habit of getting pushed to the side prior to making these changes. 

God knows just what we need when we need it. After about 3 months, I started getting restless and went through a period of time of not feeling useful. The drastic change of being on call almost 24/7 to only working part-time, and by myself no less, caught up to me. Miguel, wonderful husband that he is, started pushing me to connect more with people from church and we started opening our home in various ways. It was a slow process, but everything happened at the right time when it needed to happen. Spiritually, I was getting strengthened again (our church playing an important role in that), emotionally I was much stronger, and physically my energy started coming back. As time went on I started taking on more, such as Mission Trips Coordinating, and becoming more personally involved with ministry and church. 

Sometimes it's hard to believe it's already been a year since these pictures were taken! Yet, looking back over this past year, it seems difficult to grasp that so much has happened in only 12 months. 

We headed into this year knowing that changes would be coming ahead. Miguel is set to graduate university at the end of this year. Miguel's ministry here in Higuey is growing, the church is growing with more opportunity of involvement, more teams are coming to the DR through FCA, there are general shifts in the minstry as a whole taking place, and Miguel and I began having random conversations of the possiblility of me becoming involved in anti-trafficking ministry again this year, if the right opportunity came along.

In January the girls' home I worked at previously shut down, due to various reasons. They talked about moving it and there would have been opportunity for me to get more involved, again, but we don't know if that will ever happen. 
My former bosses, with who I had moved to the DR in 2015, had resigned before I got married and have been going through a similar healing process. At the same time, they have been influential in registering the Anti Trafficking Bureau, a Christ-centered training model to combat trafficking and develop victim care, here in the DR. I helped with translating the paperwork and was offered a position on the board last year, but turned it down because of the above reasons.  

Last week marked one year since we legally got married (yes, we have two anniversaries!). And that same week, my former bosses came for a visit to catch up with what has been happening with ATB and to offer me a part-time position as their lead planning and development strategist for an assessment center for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. It would begin as a part-time position, meaning I can continue with FCA without making changes at least this year. However, in the long run, there is potential of becoming more involved, creating a team, yet having the flexibility to set my hours as best for our family. If this happens, it means we'd need to look for a new Mission Trips Coordinator for FCA next year and possibly even someone to take on my admin responsibilities. It really all depends on how involved we want to become. Down the road, the trainig model will include community outreach through sports, churches, schools, and other avenues to create awareness and teach Christian values specifically pertaining to lowering exploitation risks. It seems like the perfect fit for our long term vision, but we are still praying about what the right decision is. We don't want to say "yes" when God says "not yet."

So we ask your prayers on our behalf. Please be praying for us and for God's perfect will to be done and His best to come about. 
Come what may, we are here to be obedient to His calling and to further His kingdom! 

Until next time. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Doing, Doing, Done...Maybe

FEB 18. (a.k.a. beginning of busyness) -
We were off to Orlando for 8 days of conferences. International Capacity Conference spanned the first half of the week and Realtime the second half, with, of course, travel time before and after. Every year, FCA hosts ICC at a location somewhere around the world close to one of their international partners. This year, it was hosted in Orlando so that the 43 international leaders who were able to attend could also enjoy Realtime Realtime is an event that happens every 3 years where the majority of FCA staff and many of their spouses come together for a time of fellowship and fun.
ICC days were packed with sessions and workshops and just enough time to connect with other international leaders over lunch and in the evenings. Our main highlight was getting to personally know other Latin American leaders. We Latinos (I was told on several occasions I seem more Latina than American so, yes, I say “we”) were known as the rowdy bunch - no surprise there. Pretty sure Asia wasn’t quite sure what to think of us, especially during bowling night.
One of my personal highlights was connecting with a few Guatemalans - I felt like we already knew each other just from talking about familiar places. ICC will be held in Guatemala next year and I’m fully planning to take extra time, if we go, to show Miguel my other home country :D
Miguel’s personal highlight was having Willie, another one of our 3 Dominican directors, along. He was approved a visitor’s visa and was able to make the trip with us, much to Miguel’s delight. He enjoyed, still enjoys, poking fun at Willie’s reaction to America - I guess since Miguel considers himself an expert on all things travel and America now ;)
The entire ICC conference was so encouraging. There’s nothing quite like seeing so many countries represented in one place, united under one goal - to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Realtime was a very different experience, with 1500+ people in attendance. Our highlights there were being able to connect with people who have been to the Dominican before on trips and have supported the ministry here in various ways.

MAR 3 (a.k.a. busyness sets in) -
Only a few (short) days after returning home from Orlando on the 26th, our first visiting team of the year arrived. A 16 member team, consisting of fathers and their baseball player sons, spent 5 days with us helping with a much needed house addition for a coach Miguel works with and running baseball clinics - and of course enjoying playing several games, Americans vs. Dominicans. It was an incredible start to the year for mission trips! We are hoping to host up to 15 groups this year and are within sight of that goal. Five Dominican baseball players gave their lives to Christ after hearing the gospel and testimonies of who Jesus is come from the lips of other players and coaches. One of the American baseball players, who joined the trip last minute, also gave his life to Christ! God knows every person’s heart and how to reach them. He was baptized in a pool that evening at the facility where the team was staying and has truly gone home a changed person.

MAR 11 (a.k.a. crazy busyness begins) -
Several (even shorter) days after the team left on the 8th, our boss flew down from the States to oversee some staff training and evaluations for several days. We were away from home for most of that week since these sessions were taking place in Boca Chica. We came home for the day on Thursday and headed right back on Friday because...

MAR 16 (a.k.a. crazy busyness full force) -
Two guys, J & A, flew in for a weekend stay to get to know the ministry and begin planning a mission trip in August. Miguel had university that Friday and Saturday, as always, so I met them and arranged lodging for them in Boca Chica. That evening, Miguel took them for dinner as I headed right back to Punta Cana with our two other directors, Willie and David, and Willie’s wife for a dinner with the FCA board of trustees who traveled to the DR for their annual directors’ meeting. We had the opportunity to share what is happening here in the ministry and what kind of impact is being made in the DR through FCA.
We stayed in PC overnight and headed back to BC Saturday morning to take J & A to San Pedro and visit staff and several ministry spots there all morning. Back to BC for the same thing in the afternoon. Lots of questions and answers later, I left them with Willie and another staff member who speaks English pretty well while I kept an appointment with our accountant.
On Sunday, Miguel and I headed home to Higuey for church and to (try to catch up on) rest before heading into what was “supposed” to be a normal work week. J & A had been in Santo Domingo meeeting up with some friends that Sunday morning and were planning to spend the afternoon and evening with us.
We got a call two hours after church ended, from the international office in Kansas City, where someone happened to be in the office since she wouldn’t be at work on Monday. A call had come in from the son of a German couple who was on the board of trustees. He said his parents had been in a car accident here in the Dominican Republic but didn’t have good phone or internet connection, so they hadn’t been able to share a lot of information yet about what had happened. All their son knew was that his parents were at a hospital somewhere and no one knew yet how badly they were injured. We soon received more information on which hospital  they were taken to and headed out the door the same time as J & A arrived at our house. Upon arrival at the hospital, we were grateful to find that no internal injuries had been sustained. Mr. G. had a few fractured ribs and his wife had a broken rib and several fractures on her leg. The injuries were enough that they were admitted to the hospital for the week before being cleared to fly. Their original plans had been to stay a few days for vacation after the trustees’ meeting and instead they spent twice that time in a hospital room.

MAR 19 (a.k.a crazy busyness turns to just busyness again) -
The whole week while our friends Mr. and Mrs. G. were in the hospital, we were blessed to be able to assist them with translation, clarifying hospital reports, straightening out the police report, and following up with their rental car company. It did require a lot of road time, since the hospital is about 40 minutes away, but it was a joy to be able to serve and be relatively close by. They've been such an encouragement to our own faith with their stories of international travel to spread the Gospel.
They were scheduled to fly home, attended by a doctor, on Saturday (the 24th), but due to some unexpected pain, that flight has been delayed until tomorrow evening. Mr. G. is up and walking around and making use of the hospital cafeteria while Mrs. G., whose leg has several fractures, is patiently waiting to get back home.

THIS WEEK - (a.k.a. due for a break)
We are looking forward to Easter! Miguel will have a break from university classes for the weekend so we've already made plans with friends on Friday and Saturday. We look forward to celebrating the hope that Jesus Christ's resurrection brought and take a few days to rejuvenate before heading into, only God knows, what next week will bring :D