Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snapshots from Chijoj

So...I actually had internet access twice here in Chijoj, so you get to see these pics before they get outdated. While scrolling thru our cameras I was hit with the realization that we've been having so much fun that we haven't gotten a lot of pictures of the ppl we spend most of our time with! But, what's here is still good :) Early this morning, the two Noriegas who don't live here will be leaving with their families and things will be quieting down around here. Joe and Bethany got here on two days ago and will be staying till we leave for Chichi on Wed.


a form of baseball is the 'big game' with the lil' kids right now

a visit from Eladia, her boys, and neices  (one of the locals who lived with us for several months in MI when she lived in the states
and is like family to us, tho she isn't a Noriega)

Sunday school

making tamales for Christmas!

I lost track of how many I've eaten :)

we Bontragers can't have Christmas without chocolate covered, peanut butter filled graham crackers! 
Nayo thoroughly enjoying his tamale
people from Chijoj and the surrounding area waiting for gifts and tamales
handing out the gifts

unloading the 350 tamales for the Christmas program 
Billy's birthday is on Christmas day, so we had a pinata stuffed with the leftover Christmas candy  
Diego and Elisa (Quique's kids) had birthdays on the 26th and 28th so we had two more pinatas and cake on the Sat. after Christmas
one Sun. two pickup trucks full of people from the local church went to Ceboyal (an hour's drive and a little over an hour's walking time from Chijoj) for their 'opening the doors' service

that blue building in the distance was our destination 

singing for the watch night service at the local church on New Year's Eve 

we've had visitors on more than one occasion in our tiny 'living room' 

playing 'Go-Fish' with the kids using some cardboard cards that Dad and Ansy made

Julie and Melisa (Blanca's oldest daughter) 

me and Angi (Alva's 5 yr. old - the oldest of 3 girls) 

bonfire time! (I'm not sure which game it is that we're playing here, but we're havin' fun doin' it!) 

singing 'round the fire

Billy's marshmallow (here they're called angelitos - little angels) 

Estefani (Luis' daughter), me, and Melisa on our way to the river with a bunch of the cousins

Angi and Elisa 

Lulu (Blanca's daughter) 

she's such a cutie pie!

Eliseo (or Cheo - Blanca's son and youngest child)

playing 'the box game' with a cup! (one of their new favorite games)

making donuts!

the finished product!!

hiking up the river with Joe and Bethany

almost every evening the 'big kids' come to play basketball. it's the one sport that I've never really liked or been good at but usually the team's are a max. of 5 ppl. and we've had some pretty fun games going here! 

Isaac (Nayo's son) my adopted son (inside joke!) 

part of the crew!
most of these are leaving early Sun. morn. we'll get another one with the rest of 'em before we leave 


  1. Thanks for posting all the pictures!!! So...what happened to the mural that used to be in Rene's church?!

  2. When they repainted the whole church, they painted over the mural so that they have a 'white screen' for their projector that they use for special occasions. It's one of the first things I noticed, too.

  3. So neat to see everybody there! Thanks for posting! I have such warm memories!
