Wednesday, May 20, 2015

On Reflection and Future {Moving Forward}

March 17, 2015
It had been a long work day and I was tired from working on the build-site, answering questions, playing with kids, and everything else that came with the job of being in charge of a team. It was a good tired but I was worried I was going to zone out during the evening debrief. 

That day, 'my half of the team' had been wondering what my plans for the future were looking like (they knew I'd be moving back to the States in 2 weeks). I'd explained to them briefly about plans to move to ND then hopefully find some connections with getting involved in ministry to help prevent human trafficking, etc. 
The team that week consisted of employees of a large Christian chain of stores that is known for supporting many overseas and domestic missions. During Tuesday night's debrief, their leader, Mr. B., was talking about a large fundraiser their stores did last year for Destiny Rescue, a ministry dedicated to rescuing kids from human trafficking and raising awareness to stop the awful trade crime. He was explaining that the money from that fundraiser was going towards opening up a new project/home in the Dominican Republic and that he is personally on the board that is overseeing this operation. (Destiny Rescue is already operating in several other countries - check out their website here for more information!) He went on to talk a little bit of how God has been miraculously putting everything into place with the permits, licensing, property, etc. and briefly mentioned that they would eventually be looking for volunteers to help in the D.R. - I heard it, thought, "Oh, I should talk to him before they leave on Friday about future opportunities," then went on listening to the conversation. 

After debrief wrapped up, I went to get a drink in the community center kitchen before heading up to bed. One of the gentlemen from 'my half of the team' was grabbing a snack at the same time. He looked me in the eye and asked, "Did you hear what Mr. B. said? You need to talk to him about getting involved in the D.R. project." Later, he said my eyes lit up as I answered, "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," but I mostly remember just being tired and feeling like maybe I missed something. Rachel and Lauren had sat in on debrief that night along with Lance and me (if I remember correctly, it was the only debrief that included all 4 of us with that particular team). Back in our apartment, Rachel briefly mentioned the D.R. and quite literally told me she thinks this is God's answer for me. Before Friday or any opportunity to speak with Mr. B. rolled around, Lance and Lauren each told me separately that they strongly believed this was God opening doors for me. 

On Thursday evening during debrief, the topic was "Next Steps." When it came my turn to state my next step in taking what I was learning to the next level, I explained that my next step is getting involved in the 'human trafficking ministry' and was hoping to possibly check into working in the D.R. with this project. I still hadn't had a chance to speak with Mr. B. about any possible interest or opportunity (and was still trying to process whether or not this would even be a real possibility or just a hopeful maybe). The team was scheduled to leave early Friday morning and I was pretty sure I wouldn't get that chance anyway so was, at that point, still on the skeptical side of seeing this work out. (I prefer using the word 'cautious' to describe this part of myself but it should probably really be chalked up to 'doubtful.') Before debrief was over, we found out that the bus the team would be using had mechanical problems and their departure the next morning would be delayed long enough to do the traditional hour-long hike behind the Monte Flor property and around into town. Suddenly, the chance to ask Mr. B. questions and gather information on Destiny Rescue and the D.R. project opened up right in front of me. 

At the end of that hour the next morning, our conversation had been left at Mr. B. telling me if/once I'm ready to talk, to get his contact information from Ron. Rachel and I were going to Canilla' that weekend (we left on Friday morning right around the same time the team left). This gave Rachel and me the chance to talk over what Mr. B. had told me and for me to take a break to really process what was happening. Maybe the Dominican Republic was the next step after all. 
We got back Sunday afternoon which gave me a last chance to visit families with Henry and Gloria on Monday. (I needed to sort and pack my belongings and wrap up last minute work in the office for the rest of week in preparation to leave the following Wednesday.) Monday after work, I was walking past Ron's living room windows on my way up to my apartment situated directly above his house. He walked out of his living room to meet me and ask me to come inside because he wanted to talk to me. 

Mr. B. had been staying in one of Ron's guest rooms the week before and had shared about the D.R. project. Ron began the conversation by telling me that they've loved having me as a part of the ministry in Guatemala, that I would always be welcome and have a part there, but he believes that God has something bigger somewhere else for me, ending with, "and I think the Dominican Republic is where God wants you." We went on to talk through what the job in the D.R. was all about (it would entail working with girls who have suffered terrible abuse [Mr. B. told me to prepare to cry a lot], helping to give them a semblance of 'normal' life after rescuing them from the horrific places their captors sold them into. This meant anything from being a trustworthy friend, to helping set up a business so the girls can learn a trade, to working in administration, to many other things I've learned throughout my short life). I explained that I'd gotten the chance to speak with Mr. B. for about an hour and he'd told me to get his contact info from Ron. Right there in his living room in Guatemala, Ron offered to call up Mr. B. just to let him know that I am very interested and if I need any recommendations, he'll give them. He left a message and promised to let me know when Mr. B. called back. 

He called back several days later when Ron was in the City preparing to fly to MI for Easter. We had a team from Pattersons and Rachel's church with us that week so I sat in on their debrief Thursday evening. The topic again involved "Next Steps" so Lance took the opportunity to explain a little of the potential next step in my life as well as informing me that Ron had called him to let me know that Mr. B. had called back saying I could call him anytime (I hope you're able to follow all the calling that went on there!). Afterward, the 4 of us (Pattersons, Rachel, and I) talked in more depth about this (I'd finally had time to more fully process things internally and was ready to talk about it). Lauren told me when she heard Mr. B. explaining about the D.R. she literally got tears in her eyes thinking of how perfect a job that would be for me. 

So, it began. Everything else in the rest of the first 6 weeks went by in a blur: calling Mr. B., him putting me in direct contact with Mr. E. (Mr. and Mrs. E. are the Stateside directors of Destiny Rescue and will be moving to the D.R. to start this new home), a phone call with Mr. E. at the end of which I was asked to email them a resume so they could figure out which position they could use me the best in, and a promise to know by June whether or not they would definitely want me working with them and when they would need me. In the middle of all that, I was busy planning a wedding for a friend of mine and when people asked questions about the D.R. the only answer I had was, "It's probably a go for August or September (Mr. and Mrs. E. had plans to move down to get everything started in August.). I'll know definitely by June." 

With the wedding successfully done the last weekend of April, I began to look forward to moving to ND towards the end of May. My sis and bro-in-law would be coming to Chicago for another friend's wedding then spending a week in MI, so I planned to go back out with them then. However, it was nearing mid-May and I still hadn't heard whether or not the D.R. was most definitely a 'go' for me. I knew nothing about what kind of financial support I needed to raise before August if I would go, or what kind of living arrangements would be available, so I sent Mr. E. an email with those and several more questions on another Tuesday (May 12, 2015) - exactly 8 weeks from first hearing the hint of this opportunity (no, I didn't plan that it would be so exact - I think God just humorously gave me a little grace in loving exact days to go by!). 
He called me an hour later to talk in more detail. 

The long and short of the entire conversation was this: "Mrs. E. and I are looking for a personal assistant with your exact credentials to help us with setting up everything from ground level on. We are planning to be in Thailand for 4 weeks in July for training in how to develope a template for aftercare in the D.R. (Thailand is one of Destiny Rescue's biggest operations). We would want you to come with us." 
My family was planning a garage sale for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Before the phone call, I'd been helping my mom and sister, Julie, with sorting through our attic belongings. Before hanging up the phone, we set up an in-person meeting (Mr. and Mrs. E. and me) for Thursday. After hanging up, I went upstairs and broke the latest news to my poor unsuspecting family by stating, "I'm going to Thailand in July and I need to book a train ticket to ND for Monday so I can work as much as possible before leaving the country." 

Last week was crazy! 
On Wednesday afternoon I met a friend an hour north of my parents' home who I hadn't seen in a year and a half . 
On Thursday I met my cousins an hour and a half south of my parents' home for breakfast before meeting with Mr. and Mrs. E. for several hours to talk over all the details of what Destiny Rescue will be setting up in the D.R. and what my job would entail as their assistant. As someone with experience in the Latin American culture and a good handle on the Spanish language, I'd be involved in every detail with getting the project up and running - everything from helping hire/recruit natives, to dealing with case workers and lawyers, to being involved in the legal side of the courts, to picking up the girls, to helping set up the home, to creating business ideas, to communicating between different offices, to well, assisting in everything! After the meeting, I stopped in to visit friends from my old church. 
On Friday and Saturday I was once again packing and sorting through all my worldly goods, figuring how to set up a financial plan (Oh! Friday morning, Mr. E. called to let me know that a friend of his is entirely funding my Thailand trip - so God!!), and trying to keep my one sister from knowing I'm going to be in ND 3 weeks early while planning schedules with the other sister. 
On Sunday Julie and I visited our old church so I could see all our friends there before leaving and fill everyone in on the latest developments. We stopped for a short meeting/visit with more friends of mine I haven't seen since moving to Guatemala, then ended up at the local church park for a last minute farewell party with most of our local friends Sunday evening. 
And Monday morning found me on a North Dakota bound train, eating a turkey and cheese wrap from my extensive snack supply while writing out a detail-filled blog to fill everyone in on details (cuz that's what detail-filled means) from beginning to end of something I've been praying about for a long time (which is really only the beginning of this next step on the Journey God has planned for me). 

Some of you will be shocked. Most already have a bit of a clue of what has been happening. But with the exception of a few, nobody really knows the whole story very well because - well, because it all just happened so fast!! I find myself just standing back and marveling at how God works. He has orchestrated every single detail of this Journey with perfection. To think I ever doubted His ability chagrins me, yet it encourages me as I look forward. To know that when (not if) I doubt again and have questions raging through my mind, He will always have the upper hand in being able to gently remind me, "Remember what I can do." 

In closing, I have a plea. A plea for your prayers. It's not going to be as safe and comfortable as working in Guatemala. If there were battles to be fought in Guatemala and prayers were hugely needed there (which they were!) than double the battles will be faced here and an overabundance of prayers needed! Prayers are the fuel behind the work we do so the more you pray the more we can do. God has been in this from the very beginning, no doubt, and if there is to be success in this mission, He needs to remain the highest, biggest focus and priority. 

Pray for me as I step out on a completely new venture. For strength, wisdom, and courage. 
Pray for Destiny Rescue as they continue the work of the kingdom around the world. 
Pray for this new operation in the Dominican Republic, that things will continue to fall into place. 
Pray for the girls/children who need rescuing - in the D.R., around the world, and your own back yard. 

What does the Lord require of you? To Seek Justice. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly with Your God. 
Micah 6:8

P.S. if you, your church, or anyone you know would be interested in helping support me financially while I'm in the D.R, email and I can send out an email with all the necessary information. 

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