By the end of this I'll have been traveling for 4 days, on 3 planes, in 2 hotels, on 1 train, and in multiple cars/taxis/shuttles; through 4 states, 3 countries, and 16 time zones. Yeah, lots of down time. I mean, the only thing I have to worry about is getting to my destinations on time (so far, anyway) and then it's just sit back, relax, and find something to read or watch! For real, though - everything has been going so smoothly...well...kind of ;)
Current location: Japan - Narita International Airport
Local time: 15:45
I boarded my flight this morning (or was it yesterday morning? jet lag...) at 11, but not before slightly stressing myself out - of course! I left the hotel with what I thought would be plenty of time to check my bag an hr. before my flight would begin boarding. But of course it's Chicago and of course it's a huge airport that I've never flown out of before (unless you count that one time when I was 9) and of course I overestimated myself - just a little. (Never one to like running late and always one to kick myself when I do...well, let's just say if that expression would be literal, my legs would be black and blue all over by now!) For future reference, some airlines depart out of terminal 1 (the closest) and arrive at terminal 5 (the farthest). Without going into much detail, I kinda might have misread the board and ended up on the other side of the airport, only to have to turn around and go right back to one escalator away from where I'd started. No, I didn't run, but prayers were going up at all times! I finally arrived at my gate only to find a long line of business class waiting to board, so I technically still got there 10 minutes 'early' (using that word in the broadest term possible).
Hey, at least it was better than the night I boarded the train!
2 days earlier:
My lifelong bff, Kezia, and I took off a little earlier than the rest with 2 of the 4 kids (my sis, Rachel, and bro-in-law, Jason's kids) to my sis, Gina, and her husband, Joe's, apartment in Minot for family dinner on Wed. evening. My train had been scheduled to leave around 9:30 that night so they were all gonna stay in town (the rest of us live 45 minutes outside of Minot) til it was time to drop me off at the station. During dinner, we find out that my train was going to be delayed for 3+ hrs. so Kezia decided to head home earlier than the rest since she'd be working the next day. The rest of us popped in a movie and I may or may not have dozed off a few times (hey, it had been a long day!)
A little more than an hour before my train was due to leave, as we were thinking about getting ready to head to the station soon, Rachel asks if I got my luggage off of Kezia's car... I think you know where this is going! Thankfully Kezia picked up as soon as I called, even though it was midnight, and headed to the station asap.
We asked the station agents if it would be possible to hold the train for 5 minutes, since it was looking like Kezia wouldn't get there with my luggage til 5 minutes after scheduled departure time. They said there was no way they could do that since the train was already so far behind the original schedule - so we prayed! 'Last minute' we overhear that another passenger was missing a previously checked bag. Our only option if Kezia didn't get there before this bag was located, would have been to drive my luggage to the next scheduled train stop an hr. or two away. So we kept praying that the missing check bag would be delayed as long as necessary. (Again, black and blue legs here! I couldn't believe I forgot to unload my stuff before Kezia had left town!)
Miracle story: the car bringing the missing check bag and Kezia bringing my luggage pulled into the station at the exact same time!! My awesome family quickly helped rush everything from car to train right before the doors closed - no joke!
So, yes, it's already been a trip full of stories and I haven't even landed in Thailand yet! Above it all, I am reminded again and again how God answers prayers - all kinds of prayers. Protection, provision, peace, and so much more have been my constant companion and each step closer to this destination brings more excitement and anticipation of what God will do and what I will learn in these next 4 weeks.
He has worked wonders! From connections through a team visiting Guatemala to the directors I will be working with and Destiny Rescue; from searching for a church body to bringing me to ND and placing me with an amazing body of believers who have already stood behind me; from March to July, it's been one God-appointment after another.
My God is alive! When He finds willing hearts to do His work, there is no stone He leaves unturned and no detail He overlooks to make sure His truth stands firm.
Snapshots from ND - my new 'back home':
Kezia - not many people are fortunate enough to have that friend who they've known since toddlerhood, but I'm thankful I'm in the minority on that one! |
Daryn, Dylan, Kara, and Karlin - these stinkers made it hard to be excited to leave |
Marion - everyone's cousins should take lessons on how to be awesome from this one ;) |
Joe n Gina - we fought as girls and united as women - watch out world! Oh, yeah, Joe's pretty cool too |
not many sunsets can beat a ND sunset |
theater in Medora, ND |
ND storms - some of my favorites |
I worked at this little 50s diner for 5 weeks. I'll be back, dear Kroll's |
bike/road-trip with family while our uncle and aunt form WI visited |
tubing! |
and boating - loved every hour on those lakes! |
Jason n Rachel, you guys are the best. I don't know where I'd be without you <3 |
Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
love the caption on the pic of you, me, and Joe! lol (so true!) The picture with you and Kara and Dylan at Krolls is priceless!!! It should be framed :):)
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting everything you do and staying in touch. LOVE AND HUGS (so glad you get to be on these adventures)
Awe, thanks, Jeans - love you lots!