What do you really do? What is your job? What does it actually mean to be on the forefront of combatting human trafficking?
Some days consist of taking a girl to a doctor's appointment because of back inflammation and finding out kidney stones are the actual culprit. Some days it's making lists and chauffering for appointments. Some days are full of meetings and strategizing. Some days are outing and taking time
for extra fun kind of days. Most days it's all about keeping up communications through phone calls, messages, emails, and every form of coordination.
Most importantly, every week it's figuring out when to step out of the office, sit down with someone and ask, "Hey, how are things going?" Because in the end, relationships are really what matter. The entire operational side of things can run smoothly and be a concrete system, but the reason I'm here, the reason we're doing this, is for lives - people - relationships.
Things are settling into a routine.

Our first girl, "Figi", gave her life to Christ a week and a half ago and is already asking about baptism! Hearing her say, "I know it's God who brought me here and I want to stay here." fills my heart with joy and and I can truly say, even if it's just for one, it will have been worth every single second, every late night, every tear.
A bunch of copies of the Spanish version of The Purple Book donated by some amazing people (you know who you are) arrived on Monday and were welcomed with great excitement! Until now, we only had one book so the lessons had to be copied every day, but from now on, every girl who comes will be able to have her own copy to use, study, and take with her.
Two weeks ago I was able to take three whole days off so I headed off to visit Miguel. It was awesome to recharge and refuel as well as get to spend some rare and needed quality time with his incredible self. I've said it several times, but I'll say it again: God really does know who to bring into your life and when.
One of my favorite things was getting to visit one of the baseball fields with him, watch the fun that happens there, and meet a few of the coaches and players he works with through FCA.
Another highlight was getting to spend time with a missionary couple (and their two little boys), some of Miguel's best friends who moved to his area of the country around the same time I moved here. (They seriously rock!) It gets so easy to shut yourself into a bubble and not poke your head out of all things ministry related but again, God really does know our needs better than we do and brings the perfect people into our lives at the perfect time. Being able to connect with people who can meet you right where you're at is important no matter what you do or what country you live in. God created us to need eachother.
The first of May = moving day!
Right now there are four of us living in a three bedroom apartment commuting at the least 30 minutes a day to/from work. It's makes it a bit frustrating wenever there's a situation before or after hours (which happens a lot). Once we move we'll be much closer to everything - work, stores, church, and beach - so of course we're counting down the days :D
That is SUPER EXCITING that Figi have her heart to Jesus and wants to get baptized :) You guys are making such an incredible difference in the lives of every girl you touch and speak life into. I'm so happy that you got to take some time off and spend a few days with Miguel and his family/friends. It always helps to be able to recharge and refocus.