Friday, October 12, 2018

Exciting Announcement about the Fundraiser!

To all of you who have been participating in the fundraiser going on this week, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! Your participation, involvement, passion, and interest in our ministry and the work we do is playing a key part in helping make this fundraiser a success. 

On Tuesday, we launched an online fundraiser to raise funds for 200 kits to be given to women who will be coming through ATB's assessment center next year and beyond. (Read our previous newsletter here for details).
A generous sponsor who has a big heart for the anti-trafficking work I have been, and continue to be involved in, and what ATB is doing, wants to help the fundraiser with an extra boost. So today, they are presenting a match challenge for all donations for Kits!

The match challenge is for up to $500 and open through the weekend. Meaning - this sponsor will match your donation for kits so that it becomes DOUBLED: 1 kit will become 2, $50 will become $100, and so on! Once we hit $500 in kit donations the match will close. Or, if we do not reach $500 in other donations, the match will only be for the amount we have reached. Our goal of 200 kits will cost around $3,600, so this match will help bring us about a third of the way!

This Kit contains lip balm, facial wash, deodorant, and lotion - all made with fresh, natural ingredients and has been specifically designed to positively impact at-risk persons. For every Kit sold, as a company, LGS donates $1 to their anti-trafficking organization of choice. To further the impact, they are encouraging their consultants to use these Kits in fundraisers, events, and other contribution opportunities where human kindness is desperately needed.

The fundraiser will continue through tomorrow night, so if you haven't gotten the chance to join us or to contribute, there is still time. And with this match challenge there is no time like the present!
"Donating Kits gives you the opportunity to become involved in the very first steps of what happens when a woman walks through the doors of our (future) assessment center. The Kits will be given to them, along with clean clothes, a bed, and good food, as their first welcome stepping into a safe, protected, prayed-over environment. The Kits will be used and enjoyed as these women's cases are processed and the road to emotional, physical, and spiritual healing and freedom begins." 

To contribute toward purchasing one or more Human Kindness Kit, each Kit costs $22, including shipping and handling. Tax deductible donations can be made through ATB's safe online portal here. Click on the link and follow the simple onscreen instructions.

Be sure to add a note "To purchase __ number of Kits - LGS fundraiser" in the comment box.

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