Almost two weeks later and I'm thinking, "It hasn't even been two weeks, yet?" :D Yes, I'm loving it!
First - thank you, all, for you prayers! My flight went so well; couldn't have asked for better or smoother traveling!
Early in the morning, a little after 3, Dad, Mom, Julie, and I headed for the airport. We got there with plenty of time to go thru security and still have time on my hands before the 7 o'clock flight. Someone sent along a check bag filled with stuff for Maddie and Abbey. Dad waited outside with the car; after getting the bag checked in, I hugged Mom and Julie one last time and headed for security.
Talk about going smooth - they told me that I didn't even need to take off my shoes and teased me about being crazy to book an early morning flight!
The first flight was right on schedule; I got to Ft. Lauderdale about 10 min. before boarding began for my connecting flight.
Upon arriving in Guatemala, I headed for customs. There was a minimal line and everything took a maximum of about 10 minutes. The agent didn't even ask me any questions - just looked at my visa, swiped and stamped my passport and waved me over to the baggage claim area. Talk about easy! I had been obsessing over all the things that could have gone wrong. On the flight down, I pulled out my Bible and asked God for a verse to settle my anxious heart. He took me to Psalms 112:7-8a: They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear. In the end, all my worry was for nothing, but I did receive a gift in that verse that will be with me during the whole time I'm here.
After picking up the bag, I headed outside where a gob of people were doing their usual thing (holding up signs for money, food, etc.). Pretty soon, Trish made her way thru the crowd and got me over to where all 4 of the Binduses - Craig, Trish, Maddie, Abbey - and 3 of the Pattersons - Lauren, Ella, Trey - were waiting for me.
It was close to lunch time and we were all hungry! But they needed to pick up some paperwork first. Ron was going to fly to the states the next morning on a 5 week trip and was staying at a hotel close to the airport, so I got to see him for a few minutes to say hi and good-bye.
We finally did make it to the mall to eat and pick up some groceries. After the 3 hr. drive back, I walked into my new home, only to realize that someone had broken in!
trashed the place with balloons and confetti! |
frig, microwave, every nook and cranny had something |
welcome sign on the front door |
I was put to work right away, updating information on the sponsored families I'll be working with. The first week was mostly filled with computer-work and unpacking. In Guatemala, the week leading to Easter is celebrated as Semana Santa (Holy Week).

Mads and Abs <3
Starting Wednesday afternoon, all the workers were given vacation thru Sunday to spend this special time with their family.
One day, my two minions and I headed into town to get pictures of the festivities and set-up in the market area.
these lil wooden ppl were all over |
Chichi on market day gets full - on a holiday it gets packed |
just a few of the beautiful hand-made woven products sold all over on market days |
one of the store fronts all set up with the extra special purple cloth for Easter |
During vacation time, the Pattersons 'moved' from the mission house in town to Monte Flor to get away from all the activity and noise and to make in more convenient to spend their time here. One day, after playing the 'water balloon game' (tossing water balloons with towels) for a while, the kids came up with the idea of making a slip 'n' slide - Guate. style!
a tarp... | soap... |
...lots of water... |
...smiles!... |
...and lots of laughter! |
On Friday, we all headed into town to watch the processions and ceremonies. While there is so much beauty displayed for the holiday, there are also reminders everywhere of how bound in tradition the people here still are. They mix Catholicism with their pagan Mayan religious practices. Pray for release!
the big catholic church was beautifully decorated - not seen in this picture is the altar at the bottom of the stairs that is used for burning incense or for chicken sacrifices |
man kneeling before a cross with Jesus on it - he had incense burning as part of his petitioning |
working on the sawdust carpets |
the finished product - they do them in all kinds of colors and designs - truly beautiful artwork! |
'mini' pine-needle blanket in front of a store - the smoke is more incense |
just one of the many gorgeous pine-needle blankets set up for the morning procession - they are so detailed! |
they carry statues of Jesus on a big platform on their shoulders - it's considered a great honor to be allowed to take part |
and, Mary the mother of Jesus, as well |
On Sunday morning, Craig, Trish, Maddie, Lance, Lauren, and I walked the streets of Chichi, handing out bread and water to any and all drunk guys we found. We asked them if we could read a verse from the Bible to them and pray for them. Most of them said yes, if they were awake, but one was not at all interested in anything - not even in having us pray for him. Another one started to cry when he heard about how Jesus loved him - a few minutes later, he found us and stuck with us for the duration of our time there. The desperate need for the love of the Savior is so evident here! Please pray that the seeds that were sown in these lives will take root.
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before heading home, we watched part of another procession - this one different than the others - much more of a celebration! |
Thanks for the update. I'm so proud of you. God is using you and will continue to use you:) xoxo