Saturday, May 10, 2014

There Is A Time

There is a time for everything and a season for every purpose under heaven.

A time to live - a time to die

A time to plant - a time to pull up
                        (a time for growth and discipline) 

A time to tear down - a time to build up
                                (a time to correct - a time to encourage) 

A time to weep - a time to laugh
                         (how many times do we try to make someone smile when what they really need is a shoulder to cry on and someone to cry with?) 

A time to mourn - a time to dance
                          (tho sorrow may last for a night, joy comes with the morning) 

A time to scatter - a time to gather
                           (a time to send out - a time to call together) 

A time to embrace - a time to let go
                              (live this gift of life to the fullest potential, but don't hold on too tightly - we have no control over what happens. The best way to live is with a heart full of gratitude and an open hand and heart)

A time to search - a time to give up
                          (giving up is hard but, more often then we realize, it's very necessary in order to move forward)

A time to keep - a time to throw away
                        (are you holding on to something that needs to be forgiven, thrown away, put in the past?)

A time to be silent - a time to speak up
                             (sometimes saying nothing is the greatest good we can do, but oh for wisdom and courage to speak up in the face of the most challenging times!)

A time to love - a time to hate

A time for war - a time for peace

God has made everything beautiful in His time. He has set eternity in the human heart - yet we can't fathom what He has done from beginning to end.
Everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. He does this so that people with revere and worship Him.
Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before. God seeks what has been driven away.

For there will be a time for every activity, and a time to judge every deed.

(excerpts from Ecclesiastes 3)